Paypal Criminals operating as a responsible corporation.

Paypal Criminals operating as a responsible corporation.
eBay/Paypal claim to be an ethical corporation like British Petroleum - This is the furthest thing from the truth. In reality, they are criminals!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Like I was explaining about Paypal to a very bright business person...

- Once your processing through them gets cranking, they hold your money without a gun....but, with only the click of a mouse.

They also force someone to register for an account with them if they use Paypal to make a credit card payment. Sounds familiar?

A friend once said this to me, and I think you can agree with me on this - "We have the 'Open' Platform, it should apply to the transfer of money too."

Now, without trying to sound too idealistic...this sounds like not too bad an idea, since the processor as intermediary, is the one ultimately controlling the funds for on-line payment processing. And they are entrusted to handle that process so that both parties accomplish the transaction.

In eBay/Paypal's case, they just 'hold' the money without  interests. And that's interests plural since you get no interest on your money, and they have no interest in you or anyone involved in the transaction as customers. It took them almost 4 months to even look at my accounts and I had to email execs and threaten them.

Doesn't sound like good corporate responsibility does it?

Please try to use and encourage alternative processors:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Welcome to Paypal Criminals! Committed in the fight against the criminal organization called eBay/Paypal!

eBay/Paypal incorporated is probably the most incompetent, anti-competitive and criminal of all companies on the World Wide Wide. And, they are a multi-billion dollar corporation located in Silicon Valley, California.

There are more complaints and negative information about eBay/Paypal than any entity on the web. There has and have been lawsuits after lawsuits, and yet, they refuse to change their detrimental business practices and continue to pursue a model which only benefits their coffers at the expense of honest buyers and sellers. Here is an outline of their model:

1.) Allow the easy registration of accounts to allow the transfer of funds electronically for buying and selling purposes.

2.) Allow buying and selling to continue for a few months until a level of funds has been achieved. Then, hold the account with funds asking for documentation. After documentation is sent, reject the release of funds and disable functionality on the account with any appeal denied.

3.) Knowing the account holder will set-up a new account for selling activity, the process is perpetuated until Paypal ends up holding a substantial amount of the seller's money for up to 180 days interest free with the seller unable to do anything...

Due to Paypal's control of the payment system and subsequent funds generated as a result of using its system, Paypal MUST be held accountable and responsible for all transactions made with its system. It fails to do that at the highest level of incompetence.

From our own personal experience, it took the THREAT of filing complaints with governmental agencies against Paypal, months after accounts and funds were held, for them to take any sort of responsible action to try to resolve issues related to our accounts. Is this the act of good corporate responsibility? Absolutely NOT.

Our beef is with Paypal, however, we think it applies to all entities which deal with people and money.